eBlog Templates.com is a collection of web designs submitted by the staff and blogging community that anyone can download for free.
The eBlog Templates website was founded in 2007 by David. His goal was to provide the blogging community a social networking home similar to mySpace or Facebook but targeted specifically for bloggers. Why not provide these tools and resources all under one website?
Currently eBlog Templates.com is the only one stop shop for WordPress, Blogger, and Typepad blogging platform users. Bloggers each have their preference of tools but their basic goals are the same. Publish their valuable content online for all to read. In order to do that effectively, bloggers need quality web design templates/themes, blogging articles, forums, design competitions, and more.
From personal blogs to content managements systems to full fledged businesses, the eBlog Templates website provides quality free web designs and more to those who need it.