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User Profile for mdamato

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Name: Madeline D'Amato
Website: http://www.betterinpink.com

Profile: My name is Maddie, Madeline, Maddiemad and sometimes Madster. I am a wife and mom of three kiddos ages 15, 13, and 4. I work out of my home office (err, office space) here in Partly Cloudy Upstate, New York. I don’t have a set schedule and I like it just fine, but I can pretty much always be reached via email, or google chat because I obsessively check my email often. I tend to work best laaate nights, because during the day it’s pretty much kids domain. I absolutely love designing, and most nights I seriously dream about it. I know, I’m a dork. I find myself grabbing ideas for design everywhere, from stationary, to cute shoes.


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