If you’re a video buff and always wanted a very cool WordPress premium theme then “Video Elements” was made just for you. It was previously known as the “WPE Video Gallery Theme” but regardless of the name, the screen shots tell it all.
It’s beautifully laid out and reminds me of Netflix which is a linear layout for selecting your movies. Video Elements allows you to embed your videos in two different ways, including the “Instant View” which allows users to instantly view any video on your site by selecting the video thumbnail, and within the single post page where the video is featured right above your post description.
This theme comes with a fully integrated and customized version of “mediabox” developed by Iaian7. Click on a thumbnail and the video of your choice is launched in a full screen “ajax” window. Currently, this feature supports several video formats including YouTube, Google Video, MetaCafe, DailyMotion, FLV (Flash) Video, Quicktime and Windows Media Video.
If you wanted to hire a professional theme designer to build this type of theme for your blog, it would cost several hundred dollars. Luckily you can buy this great premium video theme for $25!
Here’s a screen shot of the gallery layout page:
All payments are done through E-Junkie.com which provides a digital delivery of your purchase within minutes after your payment has cleared.
Single Site License ($25) – The Video Elements Single Site License gives you the right to use Video Elements on a single website. You can also modify the theme as per your requirements, but you must leave the “wpelements.com” footer link in tact. Any future upgrades or revisions to this theme will be free of charge for anyone that has purchased the original Video Elements theme.
Multi Site License ($75) – Video Elements Multi Site License gives you the right to use Video Elements on a as many sites as you like. You can modify the theme as per your requirements, including removing the footer link. Any future upgrades or revisions to this theme will be free of charge for anyone that has purchased the original Video Elements theme.
The Video Elements theme has been tested on WordPress versions 2.3 and 2.5 ONLY. Any limitations or problems with using this theme on anything below 2.3 are unknown and unsupported. It has also been tested and is fully compatible with FireFox, IE6.0, IE7.0, Safari and Opera.
Thanks to Jason at WP Elements for creating the great premium theme!
If you have any questions regarding this Premium WordPress theme, please contact the author directly. eBlog Templates only provides a free theme listing service and support is handled directly by the seller. If you have any general comments, feel free to leave them below.
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buetifull theme I like it very much
but my web is blogspot http://the-movies-online.blogspot.com
thank bro…
nice theme……..
Cool Спасибо
can combine to my youtube video leverage??
super theme
How come the price sayz $25 but when you go to purchase it costs $50? False advertising. . . . .
super theme
it is very nice 😛
güzel tema good 😉
Большое спасибо! Есть ещё повод получить удовольствие… С вашего разрешения, беру.
Спасибо огромное!
С чистым юмором.
“Мало кто может похвастаться такой смекалкой, как у автора”
Шикарно, возьму в дневник
…. вот так вот…..
Ну жесть конечно…
хм…ну это памойму уже крайность…
Шикарно, возьму в дневник
Очень рада, что возникло желание взять этот пост в цитатник!
“Мне все понравилось”
Спасибо огромное!
“отличный пример стоящего материала”
“этот вне конкуренции”
ну что тут скажешь…
“Классный пост”
“отличный пример стоящего материала”
Случайно увидел. Не ожидал.
“Спасибо за блог”
отлично!!! Все супер!
thanqS waaa waa
Вам спасибо – за тёплый приём )
“соглашусь с автором”
“Мне нравятся Ваши посты”
“Ты один из немногих, кто действительно хорошо пишет”
хорошая подборка)
Wow..nice theme……
wordpress themes
Nice theme. But how can i create the thumbnails, is there any software for this??
güzel bir video şablonu.
Top at http://www.mariloo.com/wp/
I like all the template ..very nice..
why not you provide the simple blog & give by free of charge..
Template Beautiful WordPress Template. Thank for share.
Grab video blog themes for free here :
amazing template, l wish l can find similar with this one free… 🙂
l ned a good vide theme for http://www.videofree.co.cc
Download the same themes (Video Elements plus more VBlog Themes ) for free here : http://bloggermaniacs.com/themes/video-element-v12-free-vblog-wordpress-theme
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