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eBlog Templates Gets a Small Makeover

As you’ve probably already noticed, eBlog Templates has released a couple new design changes to the site. The most obvious being the new logo which took several weeks and two different design firms to create before I was happy with the results. I plan on writing another article on the logo design process and show you a bunch of design comps that were presented to me.

The other main change has to do with the left sidebar. It was widened to make room for our new 125 x 125 ad sponsorship spots which replaced the old navigation (moved to the top bar). Actually, we had to widen the entire site to 960px so it would fit. There was  a lot of wasted space which we wanted to take full advantage of considering the amazing growth we’ve had month over month.

There were also a few alignment and css fixes rolled out with this new layout as well as an update to the Ad Code Converter.

This has taken a lot of my time over the past few days hence the limited amount of new articles and templates. I’ve got a boatload of user submitted templates that I still need to review and approve (over 70+) too. It’s great to see all the cool WordPress and Blogger templates from you!

Let me know what you think of the new logo and sidebar. It’s always helpful to get feedback from my visitors so I can make adjustments if need be.

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9 Responses to “eBlog Templates Gets a Small Makeover”

John Doe on Apr 17, 2008, 7:13 pm  

one question? are you using the BuySellAds.com service for the 4 125×125 spots?

David on Apr 17, 2008, 9:14 pm  

@John Doe, no the ads are just static right now but an advertising program will soon be setup. Then the spots will be for sale on a monthly basis.

Faizan on Apr 24, 2008, 8:54 am  

david, please tell us how to set the ad spots like you did as well as those ad spots which come built-in such as in simle-red wordpress theme.

Sheeewwwt on Apr 28, 2008, 4:43 am  

😯 Testing 🙄

Bone MD on May 24, 2008, 7:50 pm  

Hey David!

This is really an interesting site! Mind sharing us how we can make our popular,recent, comments and tags box look as nifty and cool as the one on your sidebar?

Thanks is advance! This site is amazing!

satannoy on Jul 29, 2008, 12:22 am  

This is really an interesting site.My idea great website information

Web Design on Mar 21, 2009, 8:02 am  

This site is really nice with very useful posts.

IT Buzz on Apr 12, 2009, 5:29 am  

Very cool site with perfect content for a blogger. I ‘ll invite my pals to this site.

png download on Jan 24, 2017, 2:24 am  

Thank you very much for spending time to adjust all of them!!