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Minyx is a web 2.0 feature-rich Blogger template with a search box, rss feed icon and much more. It’s a great template (but requires some customization from you to work properly) for those looking for a web 2.0 style Blogger template.
Update 1/29/08 – All images for this template are now hosted on our Photobucket Pro account which means unlimited bandwidth. For you this means the images will always work unlike most free templates you download from the internet. Most people don’t understand this until their images aren’t showing up anymore (usually at the end of the month since the bandwidth limit is monthly) and they wonder what happened!
If you downloaded this template before 1/29/08, you should download it again. Just click on the download link and you’ll get the latest version.
This template was converted by Akbach from a WordPress theme originally created by Mauricio Caballero.
Update 4/23/08 – A new demo site has been setup and the cool Feedjit live traffic widget has been added.
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Want to make your blog stand out from the crowd? I recommend giving your newly downloaded Blogger template a unique and personalized look. Read our Free Blogger Header Images article and find yourself a great custom header image!
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Just dropped in to check out your Minyx template. Checked out your template at but unfortunately, it seems, even you’ve run out of bandwidth. Minyx seems to be in great demand, eh? 😉
Hi Shayon, try downloading it again. I’ve moved the images to another account (just now) so everything works fine. Thanks for dropping by!
I have some problems with uploading this temp to blogger, this mistake appears
Hi Stefan, unfortunately the blogger error messages are cryptic and difficult to troubleshoot. I usually try and reset my widgets and then reload the template. You should read this article as well.
hi, I used this template and tweaked it a little to personalize the look. I couldn’t find answers to these issues though:
is there a way to insert ads between posts? I’m NOT talking about adsense ads but other ads I intend to insert.
how do I increase the number of posts on the Recent Posts widget? the current maximum is 5 and I want to increase it to 10.
thanks. hope you can help me.
@Monaco, ads that are not AdSense aren’t straight forward to insert in-between posts so I can’t help you there. The recent posts widget has an option where you can specify the number of items you want to show. Just edit it and select 10 instead of 5.
hello again david,
the maximum that can be set for the recent posts widget is only 5. I was wondering if it can be changed through the template on the layouts tab.
thanks again.
@monaco, that’s strange, I thought it supported more than 5. I’m not sure how to increase it then…sorry. 🙁
hello.this is a good layout. but I have trouble removing the adsense banner on the top. 🙁
Thank’s a lot I’m using this template too…
Thank’s I use it..

hi! i have trouble changing font sizes and colors…doesnt it have an option to change fonts and sizes? pls help
and why is it that the navbar is not visible?
Hey, I’m new to this site – when you download it, which part of the html page that comes up do you copy to your layout? All of it? Just the bit with the line down the side?
Hello… i thanks you for having this wonderful post.. but when I upload it, the file is empty… it says no files to extract..please help..hmm
Hi David,
how can i change fonts & Colours In this template.
Pls Help
thanks this is an amazing layout, I am using it for sure!!!
Love the template, but have a question. In the upper left side adsense is embedded. Do I have any control over the ads that are published there?
hi akbach!
i just can’t make this template work with internet explorer…
I know this is a s&%$t, but my readers do not…
do you have some help for this?
oh, great, great work of yours!!!
how to remove ads by google in top plz help me
@twink09…search this code
and the ads code must be below above code…
waw…. nice template…
thanks 🙂
thank’s ….
airbag tamiri temizlik very nice, thanks 🙂
Hi I have installed it on my blog <a href=””mistress of spices and I love it.
a href=”” mistress of spices=””>
wao,,, i like dat layout but i hate if its in an adsense code embedded,, i hate i hat i hate
I am using minyx template in my blog ,comments are not working,plz help me guys
thansk for downloading.
I will try it.
I am using minyx theme.Comments are not working in my site,plz help me
how can i get a read more in it !
hope you tell me David
its a good template.i want to download it first.thank you
Did this template exceed bandwidth again? Any thoughts on how to fix the problem?
I am getting the following error when i tried to upload the template…
“The new widget id “Ads” is invalid for type: HTML”
What should i do??
@Shiva, rename the widget from “Ads” to “HTML23” and that will fix it.
Hi it says The new widget id “Feedjit” is invalid for type: HTML
how to fix it?
hello David,
I am facing a problem with my adsense code. I have put the code to display adsense ads in single post, but the code gets jumbled up even after saving the template. The line where the code goes wrong is:
where ” is replaced by "e or something like that. When I correct the code and save it the ad is displayed nicely in the post, but when I refresh the page three four times, the ad disappears and a blank space is left at its place. then I have to again check the code and Lo the code has again gone wayward. It would be great if you find a solution to the problem. Thanks
Anyone know how to remove that minyx bar at the top?? It’s kinda annoying…
There seems to be a problem with this template code. I get the following message from blogger:
We were unable to save your template
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
The new widget id “Ads” is invalid for type: HTML
Any thoughts?
dangit.. found the answer in the previous comments. *slaps head*
i like it 🙂
I just want to download it 🙂 thanks
Nice template….
oh, I like it, I must to collect it, thanks
I like it, it nice