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Revolution Lifestyle Blogger Template

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After creating the coolest premium Blogger template, Revolution Church, we decided to also convert the Revolution Lifestyle theme as well! Now you can choose between two of the coolest premium Blogger templates available today.

Not only has eBlog Templates ported this over to Blogger, we’ve added some great features to really turbo-charge and make this another great premium Blogger template.

This is the second premium Blogger template we’ve released that is virtually plug and play. No images to host or have to worry about the links breaking after a few months. No mucking with the template code to change colors, add tabs, modify AdSense code, etc. We’ve designed this template with the ease of usability in mind so Bloggers of all levels can utilize the full power of this premium template. Not only do you get this amazing template but you also get the full installation video series which walks you through configuring every gadget step-by-step.

Don’t be fooled by those free Lifestyle Revolution templates that are poorly converted to blogger. They might look nice from their demo but those templates usually require you to make all the changes within the code and stop working properly after a few months. They also don’t include a step-by-step video series.

You don’t have to take our word for it though. Here’s what just a few of our many satisfied buyers had to say after purchasing and using this template:

“I absolutely LOVE this template!”Kristy
“Great job! Well worth the cost!”Lydia

revolution lifestyle blogger full size
This Blogger template comes with a ton of advanced features including:

  • Hosted images on Photobucket. Free use forever!
  • Favicon support so you can add your own url icon
  • Compressed CSS to speed up your page load times
  • SEO-friendly page titles to help you rank higher in Google
  • Multiple AdSense gadgets already included in prime locations
  • Automatically highlight author comments
  • Embedded JavaScript date code showing current day
  • Fonts and colors support so you can change on the fly
  • YouTube video gadget to show off your favorite video
  • Link list gadget to easily setup your header tabs
  • Recent comments and posts gadgets
  • Integrated Blogger reactions support (new!)
  • Built-in Feedburner RSS feed and email gadget
  • FeedJit live traffic feed gadget
  • Bonus – FREE 125 x 125 ad gadget!
  • Bonus – FREE Step-by-step installation video series

I promise that you’ve never seen such a complete and professional Blogger template like this one. With the amount of time and effort we’ve put into this, it’s easily worth more than the cost. Ready to turn your blog into a masterpiece? Check out the live demo or buy this premium Blogger template now!

Important – Please Read Before Purchasing

This template does NOT work with the older Blogger Classic layout. Please make sure you are NOT using Classic layout before purchasing this template. Most bloggers are now using the newer layout so you most likely don’t need to worry. Also, eBlog Templates is not the original designer of this template. It was originally designed by WordPress theme mastermind, Brian Gardner. We have spoken directly with Brian and with his approval, have converted it to Blogger and made it available for sale. If you are a WordPress user, you can download his theme for free without any support (only works on WordPress not Blogger).

So why do I have to pay for this template then?

The cost of this template covers the many days of labor and effort put into converting this amazing design into a premium Blogger template as well as building the step-by-step video series. Your purchase does include the complete instructional “how to install and configure” the Revolution Lifestyle Blogger template video series. If you think about it, it’s actually a small price to pay for such a functional, advanced, and professional Blogger template. Buy this premium Blogger template now!

Refund Policies

Since this is a digital product there are no refunds after payment has been made. Please make 100% sure you want this template before making the purchase. You also need to be willing to spend 30-60 minutes configuring the template before it looks like the live demo. Our free video installation series will make it easy. We want you to be successful!

Since we can’t test every single Blogger gadget (including 3rd party gadgets) we can’t promise they will all work with this template. Every blog is different and some of your existing gadgets might not be compatible which means either the gadget will need to be removed or modified accordingly. We do provide community-level support which means posting your questions as comments. The installation videos that accompany this template are designed for skills of all levels.

Affiliate Program

Want to put some extra money in your pocket? Why not join our affiliate program and become part of the eBlog Templates sales team! You will earn 30% for each sale you make (i.e. $20 template = $6 for you!) We use E-junkie which is the industry standard for handling affiliate sales. Join now and start making money selling this premium template today!

Buy this premium Blogger template now!

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  1. Revolution Now Becomes Blogger Pro Templates | Viet Blog Viet dot Com on February 22, 2009
  2. Revolution Now Becomes Blogger Pro Templates | All about Financial Tips and Analysis on February 23, 2009

236 Responses to “Revolution Lifestyle Blogger”

David on Feb 20, 2009, 9:10 am  

Recently Blogger made a change affecting thousands of 3rd party templates like ours. Their intentions were good but it’s caused more harm than anything. I have since fixed the problem for our premium templates so anyone purchasing this template or the Premium Revolution Church template will not be affected. If you purchased it in the past and are now having problems, please let me know and I will provide you with the latest fixed version.

I sure hope Google realizes the mistake they made and switch it back soon. Thanks for being patient and understanding.

chaca angkasa on Feb 23, 2009, 9:50 am  

hi..I want to need blogger template upload file
I can’t download this file.pleace help


james on Feb 24, 2009, 2:45 pm  

David – the theme works really well for us. Would be grateful if you could just give a few pointers –

1. How do I change the Favicon? Which folder is this in?

2. Can you give step-by-step directions for Feedburner by email? i.e. what code I need and where exactly to put it?

Many thanks

Lee on Feb 25, 2009, 6:54 pm  

Beatiful template!

Jason on Mar 1, 2009, 11:56 am  


Can you email me the fixed version of the Revolution Church template. I am getting the same LinkList error that others above have been getting. I purchased the template some time ago and wanted to use it on another blog of mine.



P.S. Fantastic template btw.

David on Mar 1, 2009, 4:06 pm  

@Jason, I just set you the updated version.

junior4u on Mar 2, 2009, 11:11 am  

Hi David,
I bought this template and watched all 4 videos, but im still having problem linking my top tab to my site. how do you create an additional page from this template?
thank an advance for your help.

Jodie on Mar 2, 2009, 10:43 pm  

Hi David,

Can you please explain how to add third party widgets to the sidebar? I know it is not difficult, but your code looks different from others that have tutorial blogs, and I can’t quite get it right.

Thank you!

Susan on Mar 3, 2009, 1:12 pm  

@junior4u (Paul) – you don’t actually create an additional page. Rather, you create a posting to match the title used in the Tab.

For example, if you add a Tab entitled “ABOUT”, you create a blog posting entitled “ABOUT” that the Tab will link to.

I pre-dated mine to a year before my first official posting, so it’s buried at the beginning of my blog.

Hope this helps.


Susan on Mar 3, 2009, 1:19 pm  

Does anyone else have the problem that when they go to edit RECENT POSTS or RECENT COMMENTS the pop up is blank?

Mine says CONFIGURE FEED at the top, but there are no fields that can be changed. Simply a blank pop-up.
The code appears to be in the HTML, but it’s not working properly.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!!!


David on Mar 3, 2009, 6:02 pm  

@Paul, with blogger, you can’t create additional pages. The tabs at the top ultimately point to other posts or categories within your blog. Hope that helps.

David on Mar 3, 2009, 6:07 pm  

@Jodie, you should be able to just select and insert new gadgets just like you normally would from the “Page Elements” layout window.

David on Mar 3, 2009, 6:09 pm  

@Susan, thanks for explaining it. I just got to your comment. 😉

David on Mar 3, 2009, 6:11 pm  

@Susan, sounds like a Blogger error to me unless the gadget code got corrupted somehow. I’ve seen that happen before on a different template and then one day it just worked. If only Google would give me access to their Blogger code…then I could fix it. 😉

David on Mar 4, 2009, 5:28 pm  

All, I am going to be on the road from 3/5 – 3/15 and will try to respond to any support comments when I can. Please understand if it takes a few days to get back to you.


India on Mar 5, 2009, 8:04 am  

Thank u David for your clarifications patiently

Jodie on Mar 5, 2009, 7:59 pm  

Has anyone had luck adding page elements beneath the posts? When I follow the directions exactly, I am able to add a widget, but the widget shows up above my post in the layout, and under my post in the blog. Also, I can’t move the page element around. I know it’s simple and I must be missing something easy.

ugiQ on Mar 6, 2009, 9:30 am  

when this template free? 😀

Tami on Mar 7, 2009, 7:08 pm  

Hi David,
I’ve searched all over the internet and of course watched the videos, however, feedburner email subscription and the RSS feed just won’t work. No where is there an answer. The video is with the pre-googe feedburner, so their isn’t an ID number as you know. Above, you instructed someone to use all the code after the feedID= in our subscription box on Feedburner, however, mine has no feedID but rather uri=. So, if this is the code how far do I go, all the way to “>? This is my code: theholisticdiva&loc=en_US”>. Also, you mentioned potentially needing “Look in the first one and search for “input type=”hidden” value=”http://feeds.feedburner.com/~e?ffid=“. That’s one id you’ll potentially need but not your feed id. However, you fail to explain what we would do with tht. Because of google now owning Feedburner, I wish you would update the video because now my template code is all messed up. Will you please help me? I love the template otherwise, but thisis so frustrating. Thank you.

Susan on Mar 7, 2009, 7:16 pm  

@Tami, I had the same issue and after trying numerous work-arounds the solution I came up with was to simply delete the Feedburner widget from the template and install the Blogger Feedburner widget.

This solution has worked well for me. You can see the install on my blog: http://catapultfitness.blogspot.com/

I set it up as a link, but it could just as easily been installed as a form.

Hope this helps.


Joslyn on Mar 8, 2009, 2:40 pm  

Hi David,

I love this template but would like to change the page behind the ‘background page’ to white, and I would also like to change the colour of the blog title background. Is this possible?

Many Thanks,


Tami on Mar 9, 2009, 7:58 pm  

Okay David, I finally have my RSS feed working and the subscription part. However, the email subscription in that box is still not working. When I enter my addy it takes me to a browser page saying feedburner.google.com could not be found. It’s the code, but I’m at a loss. Please help. This just shouldn’t be so hard.

David on Mar 10, 2009, 11:33 am  

@Joslyn, yes you can but you need to edit the template css code and remove the background image. Are you familiar with html and css at all? This template might look strange though if you just make the entire background white since it’s a black theme.

Tami on Mar 10, 2009, 1:46 pm  

David, Please help. I still don’t understand why the email subscription on the front page with the go button will not work. I would think for at least paying for this beautiful template you would at least have it updated for the new feedburner, otherwise, offer instructions which are current on how to adjust the settings. Also, my widgets on the right, large template section can not be moved around. Please help! Thank you.

Joslyn on Mar 11, 2009, 12:22 pm  

Thanks David, I’m not really html savvy but I will give it a go this weekend. It’s the revolution lifestyle blog so hopefully the white will look ok. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again,


Jeff on Mar 15, 2009, 9:59 am  

Love the template. I have tried to download many free templates but always get:

Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in prolog.

I have tried different blogger templates before uploading. I want to buy but want to make sure it will work. Any ideas?

Mary on Mar 15, 2009, 7:28 pm  

Tami, I’m having the same problem as well. I’ve spent a good part of the day messing with it and nothing works. Have you found a solution yet?

Susan on Mar 16, 2009, 5:50 am  

Is anyone else noticing that that frame around their blog is loading in two sections — with the first section the top, followed by the frame filling in around the posting area?

At first it was loading as one unit, and now there’s a break. I thought it may be due to Google Analytics slowing down the page load, but I’ve removed the code and still have the same problem.

If anyone has a solution, I’d love to hear it!

Thank all.

Jeff on Mar 16, 2009, 6:17 pm  

I downloaded the template and like it. The page background header color won’t change from the default color. I have changed it (it shows that it is changed) and then when I view the blog it is the original teal color. Any advice?

bloggeronline.net on Mar 16, 2009, 7:38 pm  

i like it
but now money

David on Mar 16, 2009, 9:56 pm  

@Tami and all, I’ve been out of town for the past 10 days so I’m sorry for the delay in responding to everyone.

Tami, I just looked at your blog and the subscribe via email seems to work just fine when I put in my email address and click “go”. You must have figured it out.

David on Mar 16, 2009, 9:58 pm  

@Jeff, it appears you purchased and installed the template without any problems. That’s good to hear.

Regarding the background color: did you make sure to save it after you changed the color? You need to click “save” and then go see if it updated your blog.

David on Mar 16, 2009, 10:02 pm  

@Susan, they are separate images that load and it’s Google Blogger that doesn’t do a good job loading the images all at once. Since the images are hosted for free on Photobucket, they are loaded up from a remote server which also adds to the load time.

If it really bothers you an option would be to upload that bottom background image into Blogger and then point to it in your css template code. I only recommend doing this if you are an advanced user though. 😉

Susan on Mar 17, 2009, 5:33 am  

@David, gotcha. Thanks …. while I’ve learned a bit of HTML/CSS, that may be above and beyond my capabilities.

Anyone on this board comfortable walking me thru this?


Tami on Mar 17, 2009, 9:33 am  

Hi David,
I’m having another problem. No matter what I’m unable to rearrange the widgetson the right side bar, tha large one. I’d like to move the Youtube video closer to the top of my blog, but when I drag it to the new location, it just puts itself right back where it was. It happens to all the widgets. They refuse to move. Would I be able to move them around in the HTML code? I don’t think I should have to do that however. The two smaller side bars are unaffected, however. Also, someone on the internet fixed the code so my email subscription would work. Many people have troube w/ this now. I think you need to update to the new feedburner in your code. The java script was removed and rewritten to something else to get it to work. Thank you.

Mary on Mar 19, 2009, 2:05 pm  


Hi there! I’m pretty well versed in coding, however, I’m havinf trouble finding a way to have the date stamp show on each post instead of only at the top of the page. Is there any quick fix for this?


And Tami, if you go into the coding and search for the word “true” and change them to “false” it will unlock your widgets and they will be able to be moved around.

Mary on Mar 19, 2009, 2:21 pm  

Ooops…actually…I just figured it out. Thanks!

Jennifer Eber on Mar 20, 2009, 6:16 am  

Hi! I just purchased this template for a client of mine a few days ago, and I have removed all the Adsense ads but one. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the ad that appears after the first post to disappear. I have removed all Adsense code that I can fine, including the post-footer script. How do I get this one to go away? Check out http://www.kitchenexperiments.net to see what I mean. I would appreciate your help ASAP. Thanks so much!

David on Mar 21, 2009, 5:50 pm  

@Jennifer, did you look all through the template code after you checked the “expand HTML” box? You should also make sure the gadget for adsense (if any) are all removed.

David on Mar 21, 2009, 6:43 pm  

For anyone who is having trouble with the “Recent Comments” and “Recent Posts” gadgets this comment is for you. I’ve done some research and the bad news is Blogger has made a change that prevents these gadgets from working.

The good news is there’s a workaround. You will need to delete these gadgets and then create two brand new ones from within Blogger.

From the “Edit Layout” page click “Add a Gadget” and scroll down until you get to the “Feed” gadget. Click the plus sign and add it. Now paste in your blogger feed rss url and click “continue”. Save it and do it once more for the “recent comments” box.

That should do it.

Tami on Mar 22, 2009, 9:46 pm  

Hi David,
You’re avoiding answering my question as to why my widgets on the right hand bar won’t allow me to rearrange them. They are locked in their position. Have any idea how to fix this?

Susan on Mar 23, 2009, 5:18 am  

Tami, if you scroll up to a March 19 posting, Mary addressed how you can fix the problem of re-arranging the widgets.

Per Mary’s instruction, if you go into the coding and search for the word “true” and change them to “false” it will unlock your widgets and they will be able to be moved around.

Tami on Mar 24, 2009, 9:53 pm  

Hi David, I had already checked that on my own, sorry should have mentioned. All sidebar widgets are set to false, but refuse to go into new position — they snap right back to where they were. Any ideas on this? Also, is it in the code somewhere to have it gray in the footer post? I have social bookmarking links there, and they all have gray behind them, and I’d like to remove that. Thank you for you assistance. If you look at my blog you’ll see what I mean about the footer.

David on Mar 24, 2009, 11:06 pm  

@Tami, I’m not avoiding your question. It appeared as Susan had helped you already so I didn’t butt in. 😉 If your widgets are unlocked then they should move about fine. Try moving the top widget first to a lower spot. They are a little sticky but they eventually give.

Talín on Mar 31, 2009, 12:20 am  

Hello David

How can I switch to Spanish, the day and date that leave the top on the left side?

Best Regads and thank you


menno on Apr 1, 2009, 9:37 am  

Hi David,

The recent comments, recent posts workaround doesnt work, because there is nothing to remove.

Please check on it again!

Regards Menno.

David on Apr 1, 2009, 4:14 pm  

Talin, inside the blogger admin area you have options to change how the date looks. It’s an easy change so hopefully you can find it.

Tami on Apr 9, 2009, 6:37 pm  

Hi David,
My large widgets on the right still refuse to move. They were already set to “false” and moving the top one first as you suggested didn’t resolve it. The smaller side bar widgets move around fine. do you think renaming them would work?

Also, still waiting for you to reply to my question about how to remove the gray shadowing in the reaction section of a post. I have placed social medai widgets there, and they have the gray background behind them which is larger than the widget and it looks bad. If you took a look on my blog, you will see what I mean.

Please respond and help me with this. Thank you for your time.